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Learning approaches among students at King Abdulaziz University

Based on your answers you will get report about your learning approach upon successful submission of this survey

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One of the most basic characteristics of any learning process is the depth of study that it involves, the two extremes in the spectrum being surface learning and deep learning

 Based on your answer you will get report about your learning approach upon successful submission of this survey

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Age in years:

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(This question is mandatory)

Marital status:  

(This question is mandatory)
In which faculty you are studying?
(This question is mandatory)
Level of Studies
(This question is mandatory)
Year of Study in University
(This question is mandatory)
Most recent GPA
(This question is mandatory)
Monthly Income
(This question is mandatory)
Never or rarely true Sometimes true Half of the time true Frequently true Always or almost true
I find that at times studying gives me a feeling of deep personal satisfaction.
I find that I have to do enough work on a topic so that I can form my own conclusions before I am satisfied.
My aim is to pass the course while doing as little work as possible.
I only study seriously what's given out in class or in the course outlines.
I feel that virtually any topic can be highly interesting once I get into it.
I find most new topics interesting and often spend extra time trying to obtain more information about them.
I do not find my course very interesting, so I keep my work to the minimum.
I learn some things by repetition, going over and over them until I know them by heart even if I do not understand them.
I find that studying academic topics can at times be as exciting as a good novel or movie.
I test myself on important topics until I understand them completely.
I find I can get by in most assessments by memorizing key sections rather than trying to understand them.
I generally restrict my study to what is specifically set as I think it is unnecessary to do anything extra.
I work hard at my studies because I find the material interesting.
I spend a lot of my free time finding out more about interesting topics which have been discussed in different classes.
I find it is not helpful to study topics in depth. It confuses and wastes time, when all you need is a passing acquaintance with topics.
I believe that lecturers shouldn't expect students to spend significant amounts of time studying material everyone knows won't be examined.
I come to most classes with questions in mind that I want answering.
I make a point of looking at most of the suggested readings that go with the lectures.
I see no point in learning material which is not likely to be in the examination.
I find the best way to pass examinations is to try to remember answers to likely Questions
Deep Approach = 0
Deep Motive  (intrinsic interest)  = 0
Deep Strategy (maximize meaning)  = 0
Surface Approach = 0
Surface Motive (fear of failure)  = 0
Surface Strategy (narrow target, rote learn) = 0