Statistical Computing

R Statistical Computing

Aims and Objectives

The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the use of modern statistical packages for analyzing various types of data commonly encountered in many areas of science. Students with limited computer experience will be introduced to some widely used statistical packages such as Excel, SPSS and R, a free version of S -PLUS. They will learn how to use these packages for analyzing various types of real life data. Mathematica will be introduced for symbolic computing with special reference to algebraic manipulation of statistical distributions.


Software Packages

Excel, SPSS, Stata, Minitab, R, Mathematica


Describing Categorical Data

Why Summaries of Single Variables?

Frequency Analysis

Standardizing the Chart Axis

Bar Chart, Pie Charts, and clustered bar chart


Exploratory Data Analysis: Scale Data

 Summarizing Scale Variables

 Measures of Central Tendency And Dispersion

 Normal Distributions

 Histograms And Normal Curves

 Using The Explore Procedure: EDA

 Standard Error of The Mean And Confidence Intervals

 Shape of The Distribution



Probability and Inferential Statistics

The Nature of Probability

 Making Inferences About Populations From Samples

 Influence of Sample Size

 Hypothesis Testing

 Types of Statistical Errors

 Statistical Significance and Practical Importance


Comparing Categorical Variables

Typical Applications

 Crosstabulation Tables

 Testing The Relationship: Chi-Square Test

 Requesting The Chi-Square Test

 Interpreting The Output

 Additional Two-Way Tables

 Graphing The Crosstabs Results

 Adding Control Variables



Mean Differences Between Groups: T Test


 Logic of Testing for Mean Differences

 Exploring The Group Differences

 Testing The Differences: Independent Samples T Test

 Interpreting The T-Test Results

 Graphing Mean Differences


Bivariate Plots and Correlations: Scale Variables


 Reading The Data

 Exploring The Data




Introduction to Regression and Experimental Design

 Introduction And Basic Concepts

 The Regression Equation And Fit Measure

 Residuals And Outliers


 Simple Regression


Statistical Distributions

 Simulating Statistical distribution

 Plotting Statistical distribution


Mathematical Manipulation






 Sums, Products and Limits

 Differential Calculus

 Integral Calculus

 Power Series

 Ordinary Differential Equations

 Displaying and Analyzing Data


Case Studies

1991 US General Social


Text Books


Good, Phillip L (2005) "Introduction to statistics through resampling methods and Microsoft Office Excel", John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey

Andy Field (2005) "Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition", SAGE Publications

Landau, Sabine. (2004) "A handbook of statistical analyses using SPSS", Chapman & Hall/CRC Press LLC

Cohen, Yosef. (2008) "Statistics and data with R : an applied approach through examples", John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Michael J. Crawley (2007) "The R Book", John Wiley & Sons Ltd

McMahon, David (2006) "Beginners Guide to Mathemaica", Chapman & Hall/CRC Press LLC